We are NOT Morning People

We are not sugar people. Oh yes, about half the teeth in our bodies are sweet teeth, but in the name of healthy living I have opted to never eat sugar ever again. I’ve seriously lost track, but I believe I am around two years. It just isn’t a temptation anymore. I never eat (processed) sugar. Ever.

Being a Momma, I watch sugar directly entice and then punish my daughter. Prior to Christmas, she was “off sugar.” Healthy 7 yr old girl. Holiday: Cookies, candy, cupcakes, candy, hot chocolate, candy. Everywhere. And I see it. I see her little nose begin to run and turn red from being wiped and wiped and wiped. After Christmas resolutions: Back to limited sugar. Runny nose disappears. Fact: Bodies are weakened by sugar.

All that to say, this morning: Donuts. “Donuts For Dads.” A school sponsored event for the kids and dads of the school to join together and eat donuts.

When a sweet toothed girl, with a mom that limits sugar, found out that she and her Daddy would be attending the sugar feast, she proclaimed, “Tomorrow is going to be the BEST DAY EVER!” Singing and dancing and unable to hold in her excitement.

All in fast forward: Bedtime. Snoring. Alarm breaks the morning. Momma wakes up Madison.

“This is the WORST DAY EVER!” Madison proclaims as she stands in my bathroom, getting her hair brushed, tears streaming down her face.

How did we get here? What changed?

Simply the time of day, my friend, simply the time of day. Us, Hendrys are not morning people.

I am trying to teach our daughter that in the mornings she needs to learn to just stay quiet for a while. But until she learns that, she will walk around crying and shouting out “worst day evers,” and everything else that her Daddy and I are thinking, but we’ve learned to keep out mouths shut….by inserting coffee anytime we think about saying something before 8:00.

Coffee, ahhhhhh, the fuel of us not morning people. I wake up and my first thought is “Coffee.”

So, as James and Madison are driving to school (this was written yesterday, Friday) …..so, as James and Madison are driving to school, I am sitting here with my first cup of hot coffee in my hands, with one profound thought in my head: Hendrys are NOT morning people.


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54 thoughts on “We are NOT Morning People

  1. Nope, I’m not a morning person either. However, that’s about to change (gulp!). After reading this post on Nowhere To Run’s blog https://drlisamallen.wordpress.com/2015/01/16/heres-to-completely-shaking-up-2015/ I downloaded and read “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod. Next week I’m going to try to find that extra hour in my day and get on with trying to achieve some of my goals for the year. It’s a work in progress 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! Such a good point! And this Not Morning Person actually agrees! Even though it is painful for all three of us to be up early, the setting of this post takes place at 6:15. Ouch! So, it also could be titled, “Doing What I Don’t Want To.” I really really wish I was one of those lucky people that WANTED to be up early

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Only a morning person on my terms; i have to wake up on my own, not by a 4 year old who is a morning person. As i write this he is fully dressed and playing for who knows how long and i got up about 15 minutes ago and still in pajamas.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I myself, at times, find myself immersed in the ‘sugar battle’. I can go a month or more, obeying my plans to steer clear of sugar. But then the sudden onslaught of chocolate cravings sets in, and I start eating all the snack food (sugar free) that I have, wanting desperately to make that 5-minute trip over to the store and buy CHOCOLATE. I don’t give in to that inner voice. I write this, with my first cup of coffee for the day, the second soon to follow. I also am not a morning person, and I let the disease have it’s way and sleep until 9am or so, unless an alarm has been set. I hate mornings 😛

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Refined sugar is a drug and a toxin. The myriad of problems it causes the human body is mind boggling. Worse, it’s highly confusing how the FDA ever approved its use. Introduced by unscrupulous corporations years ago, who likely paid huge sums of money to get that approval.
    That’s why it’s hard to give up. Harder still to find anything that is free of it. Good for you, it definitely affects health as you have witnessed. I am kinda a birthday/holiday bummer because I don’t eat cake, cookies etc. If I could afford it and had the time, I would totally be doing the whole foods diet 🙂

    One NOT so morning person to another, looking forward to that coffee tomorrow. Cheers 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I loved this! We were just discussing this morning with my grandmother who is going through chemo the fact of the matter. She was nowhere near excited about cutting out sugar, but if we do it together as a family I think it will be easier. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I’m with you on the morning thing! I also have a feeling that sugar and plastic are the worst things on the planet…I’m doing pretty well avoiding the plastic…but sugar is so much harder…very interested to know it causes Madison to have a runny nose…I thought mine was caused by my cat!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I really liked this post…………. If you want to wake with a positivity and an inspiring quote take a look at my alarm clock app. Sets you up for the day and has links to our contributors who share their experiences as Cancer survivors and what changed their life. Its free and I hope can help you all.

    I also love great coffee and is definitely part of my great mornings.


  8. I loathe the sugar-fest that is almost every birthday party my son attends. Typical “food” served = pepperoni pizza, store-bought cake (seriously, does no one other than amateur cake decorators bake their own child’s birthday cake?), ice cream and various neon-coloured soda pop. Ugh. I finally caved this past summer and said my six year old could have a half glass of pop at b-day parties only. I still wonder about the wisdom of that decision!

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    • It is so true! Yes! Madison eats healthy in everything except that she could eat her body weight in sugar. One of my regrets as a mother is letting her have sugar other people gave her starting at one year old. I had no clue how much that would be! Oh how I wish we had stayed away for as long as we could have, like til kindergarten, and then I think she wouldn’t want it so much. Trying to back track and educate and limit her now. She does get it, places like bday parties, it is EVERYWHERE even if I NEVER buy it


      • It’s so true!! It IS everywhere!! I find that i do not have to but it either (not that i want to!). And homemade desserts without processed sugar, while in my opinion are superior in taste (and have nutritional value rather than harm) are often shunned by my son while the sugary pricessed treats would be gobbled up. But isn’t that an earthly comparison commentary on our spiritual lives? We can be drawn or addicted to things that masquerade as spiritual food, things that give us a rysh of false satusfaction but do nothing to nourish our sis, instead leading us in the long term to ruin and despair. In the same way we train our bodies to crave real nutritous foods, we need to train our spirits to crave the presence of God by running after Him and not the counterfits offered by the world. So we hold fast to the Word of God as we bring up our children, knowing that our prayers and perseverance will pay off. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is grown he will not depart from it. (I cannot recall the reference!!).
        Well, that’s my mini before work sermon!! Lol. Hope you enjoy my rant!
        Blessings in your day! Stay sweet in Jesus!

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    • So hard to have little ones waking up early! But there is a negative and positive to every personality trait. I wish I was more like your little ones and did not have to fight the morning grumpiness every single morning. What a blessing that will be in their lives!

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