Happy (sniffle sniffle) Birthday

It is time to celebrate! My baby girl is turning eight! EIGHT!

Ever get bored with the begats in the Bible? Skip right over that part? You wouldn’t if your name was in it! Not the most entertaining piece of writing, but it serves a great purpose. Through the begats, we learn that the Bible teaches that the world is just a few thousand years old. Of course, we are reading the family tree of Jesus, which fulfills prophecy, and we learn something else.

Here are these great men and women of the Bible (Christians were the first to fight for women’s rights. They were the first to include women in a family lineage. And a prostitute at that!) Here are great men and women of the Bible and history and for some of them, all we know is their name and the names of their children. The names of their children. One big generational hug!

I love life, I am so incredibly thankful for this life I have! But anywhere my name is typed out, I want something said of me, “James and Caroline begat Madison.”

World, I love to hear of famous people before they were that, what they grew up to be. Abraham Lincoln building a log cabin, Johnny Cash roaming the streets looking for a job, Ben Carson getting into a fight at school, how?! How were they ever just people?!

Well, let me make an announcement: my girl is turning EIGHT! How? How do I get to sit on the couch and read Rabbit Hill with her? How do I get to make her school lunch? How do I get to witness her polite “good morning”s as she get out at carline? How do I get to watch her at swim practice? Why did God chose me to see her beautiful growing life? It is my biggest responsibility in this whole life!

I am watching her. She is brilliant! She is kind! That little girl knows how to make me laugh! I am watching her “before.” God has big big plans for this girl!

I give a sly little snicker and a I have a big swelling heart! Madison, I am so proud of you! I love you! Happy Birthday!

Such big things await this girl! And I get to hug her and snuggle her and celebrate her birthdays with her “before.”

28 thoughts on “Happy (sniffle sniffle) Birthday

  1. “I am watching her before”. Brilliant line, I love it! Do you get that secret thrill inside when a brilliant line pops into the screen as you type? I sure do, lol. Of course, it may only be brilliant in my own mind but I still love it. Usually I make my husband read it and tell me how brilliant it is! Hahaha. I just sent him a pic I edited with a quote that will not post til Thursday because I love it so much.
    Anyway, enough about that. You wrote what I feel and pray for my Sam and what I imagine all parents feel about their special growing child. Of course if your child can be challenging as Sam can then there is the challenge to also see the strengths in behaviours or traits that might look at first like things to be changed, managed or controlled. Slowly I am learning with God’s grace to see the difference. Thanks for the reminder and Happy Birthday to Madison!! Remember, I knew you before! Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And yes! Writing is such a great thrill!

      And yes, my girl can be quite challenging in her own way. I think every child is really. Just all in different ways. The ones that are quiet and alway “obedient” I find have a heart issue that can be even harder to reach than those that wear it all on their sleeve. Not sure what your Sam’s personality is but he has an amazing Mom!

      Hugs friend!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ah, thank you Caroline! I hope it is obvious I feel the same way!
        My boy does show his feelings BUT he also has started keeping some more intense emotions close (at least I imagine they are more intense emotions; hard to tell at 6!).
        God will guide us; that is my hope & consolation!


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