Do NOT Become a Christian

Are looking for something to fulfill your life?  Need a list of laws to follow?  Are you a good person?  Are you rich?  Is your life put together and you want a church?  

Let me be the first to assure you, Christianity is NOT for you. 

Are you outcast because your sins are much too many?  Do you want to be dead of this life you live?  Sick?  Find this world meaningless?  You don’t fit in?

Then, for you, I may have the answer. But I will be the last to try to persuade you. In fact, I will do the opposite. Consider the cost carefully. 

Jesus himself turned away the crowd. To the rich young ruler that he loved, he looked straight to his heart and saw the one thing he could not give up, “Go and sell all you have and give it to the poor.”  There was no hug and welcome and let me lead you to the sinner’s prayer. No!  To follow Jesus, to be like him, he will have no competition!  The Lord must be loved with ALL your heart. 

This is no plan of your own. You do not approach your Maker and ask him to bless your plans. Oh!  How many curse God because He does not answer their requests!  

First, you must die. All your comfort, your identity, riches, and beauty are dead and buried. Meaningless. Rags to be offered. But you will walk in danger and not be afraid. And it will be so very dangerous. You will be mocked and count it as blessings. Monies only purpose is to be given away. Prayers are to be reserved for miracles. The miracle to accomplish a part of God’s big huge plan. 

And ladies and gentlemen, the very miracle is that God himself reaches out his hand and extends an invitation. And the church of religion kindly declines, “No thank you.  I’m doing just fine on my own.”

26 thoughts on “Do NOT Become a Christian

  1. Oh wow. Just wow. So very, very true.

    The cost is great however the reward, healing, joy, peace and love are worth every moment I struggle. God is my lover, best friend and confidant. My life is so blessed and I revel in sharing my stories of hardship with women who are experiencing similar trials. I consider it an honor to walk down the rough road and help, encourage and inspire others also.

    Bless ya! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, please take this criticism as it is given, in love. I understand what the objective is but ….. it kind of clashes with 1 Thess 4:1-12 and numerous other Scriptures. I’m not saying that MOST of what was written in this particular post isn’t true (please note that Christians are NOT under the OT law, being sick does not exclude you from becoming a Christian, not does not fitting in, nor do most Christians have to give ALL of their money away, prayers are not only for miracles ), it represents the possibilities that a Christian disciple might face and would need to be willing to adhere to. This understanding comes with time, with the renewing of your mind, with a deepening relationship with God. There are Bible verses that describe Christians who were feeding on milk rather than solid meat, understanding the depth of what serving God may cost us, when new in the faith, while we are here on this earth is a reality but I for one would not place a roadblock in front of anyone who was earnestly seeking truth. Considering the cost is unquestionably important and necessary but we are not Jesus (God) who knows the heart of another person like when Jesus spoke to the rich young ruler. Telling someone who is honestly looking at believing in God that you wouldn’t recommend Christianity to them or that they wouldn’t fit in is not something that I can agree with. For me, this is an extreme example of not understanding that God’s love and forgiveness is offered to everyone. They ultimately make the decision, not us. On the Judgement day, I would not want to be the one who said, “I told them not to consider Christianity, I told them to consider the cost right up front so that they knew what they were getting into.” 1 Peter 3:15 comes to mind: “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,….” It is also vitally important to remember:2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “And ladies and gentleman, the very miracle is that God himself reaches out his hand and extends an invitation. And the church of religion kindly declines, “No thank you. I’m doing just fine on my own.”

    This is a strange quote.


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