Celebrate!  I am getting OLD!

Happy birthday to me! I am 34 years old!  I am so thankful to be growing old with my family because the alternative is that I would not be, the other option is that I would not be having this birthday. 

Ya see, every year I count up from the age of 25.  I have lived 9 years longer than I was supposed to. I have lived to hear:  “You should live a normal life span.”  I have lived to “this is not life threatening.”  I BEAT CANCER!  I am a 19 year survivor of a Great War with a mighty opponent. 

Nine years longer than I was supposed to. What is 9 years?  I have an 8 year old daughter. An eight year old daughter that is going to impact the world with her love of animals, her joy of being surrounded with diverse people, her brain that never forgets anything that has left her with a wealth of knowledge that grows and grows, her sweet relationship with her Lord and Savior that is mature beyond her years, wisdom because she chooses right, beauty that attracts others to her, skills of hard work and determination, and enough love to circle this globe. 

I know. I know why I am alive today. Because my Jesus loves me beyond what I have ever loved myself and he gave me a gift that I did not deserve. He made me the mother of a miracle girl and let me watch his beautiful plan unfold. And why do I have to suffer so much?  Without a doubt, one of the reasons is so that I will appreciate so much!  If a doctor never told me that I would not live past 25, then I would never have been in amazing wonder at the irony of growing brand new life inside my body at the age of 25!  Not only, did I not meet death, I met new life, new precious life that would change me forever!

Happy birthday!  I have a life to celebrate!  A beautiful life that is more wonderful than I ever planned!  And my birthday gift?  PEACE!  Whatever this life holds, I can trust the one in control. He has never let me down and he never will. And this world is just a preview of the real thing. The breath taking sunset over Hawaii, the inspiring blue whale surfacing, family love, delicious fruit, my happiest day, it doesn’t begin to compare to the heaven I will live in for eternity!  Eternity!  I AM GOING TO LIVE FOREVER!

46 thoughts on “Celebrate!  I am getting OLD!

    • I hope not! I still routinely visit Duke. My oncologist can never tell me I am Cancer free because there can be Cancer that is too small to be seen on a scan that will grow later to a size to be detected. But my doctor can tell me that it is slow growing and since I am being monitored, it will be caught before it is life threatening.

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  1. The preacher at my meditation group yesterday said something along the lines of, do not ask why terrible things happen, but instead look for God within every situation. Your life is just a brilliant affirmation of that. This is a fallen world and no longer our true home, but God makes even the fallenness bend to his will so we catch a glimpse of his beauty.

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  2. Happy Birthday to such a beautiful spirit and person! May God continue to bless you with many more wonderful and prosperous years!!! Thank you for letting God’s Light shine through you into your blogs!! 😊🎁🎂🎉

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  3. Happy birthday Caroline! Celebrating your new year with you. May your desires come true. May God’s grace continue to be with you and keep you in sync with His purpose. May the blessings of this new year be yours to enjoy! Here’s to many more beautiful years ahead! Hugs.

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